Anticipating Additional Costs in your Roof Repair Budget

Roof Repair BudgetKeeping your roof in its best shape is a vital part of protecting your property’s value and your own safety. That said, the costs of residential roofing in St Louis, MO, aren’t always as simple as they seem. Your original quote might not be the final price you pay, so anticipating potential increases allows you to comfortably budget for the full cost of the project. A few things that might drive your bill up include:


Permits — Depending on where you live, your contractor may have to pay for a permit to complete your repairs. This can cost a few hundred dollars more than the actual price of the work itself, but the company you work with has no control over this added expenditure.


Discovered Damaged — Quotes are typically given with a good eye for detail, but the full extent of a roof’s damage might not be apparent until the work to fix it actually starts. If your contractor finds significantly more problems than originally anticipated, they may need additional funds to cover the extra effort.


Unique Features — If your home has chimneys, skylights, or other features that impact the amount of labor and material required to finish your repairs, it could cost you more than a quote for a standard roof. One way to avoid a surprise is to make these features clear to your contractor when requesting a quote so that they can accurately assess their potential costs.