Posts made in August 2023

Give It Some Air: The Importance of Roof Ventilation for Your Home

Roof vents make your home more comfortable and reduce the need for repairs. These vents come in many styles and keep air circulating through the attic. The extra air cools the roof and helps prevent mold growth. The heat that collects in the attic will escape through the top of the roof without the help of these vents. This highly inefficient process will keep the attic from cooling to the right temperature most of the time. Moisture can’t escape this way, so you’ll end up with a muggy attic and higher energy bills. Here’s what vents do. 

Vents Release Moisture and Prevent Indoor Mold

Most people don’t inspect their attic very often and don’t notice any mold growing for a long time. Roof vents will keep moisture out of your attic that develops over time. The whole house will have cleaner air, and your beams will stay strong longer. 

Vents Help Indoor Heat Escape and Preserve Shingles

Many people don’t think twice about how hot their attic and roof get. Overheated attics and roofs are one of the main causes of prematurely cracked shingles. Attics and roofs without vents will collect extra moisture as they heat up. Prolonged exposure to heat and moisture can damage sealing and waterproofing and shingles. Vents are the best way to avoid this situation.

Vents Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Keeping the attic cooler and drier is one of the best ways to reduce your energy use. You’ll also reduce long-term strain on your air conditioner. 

Shelby Roofing & Exteriors has over 40 years of roofing experience. We offer exceptional roofing repairs, installation, and maintenance to clients in the greater St. Louis, MO area. 

Shingle Shuffle: How to Fix Missing Shingles and Safeguard Your Roof

Discovering missing shingles on your roof can be a cause for concern. Whether due to storm damage, age, or improper installation, addressing this issue promptly is crucial to prevent further damage to your home. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if you have missing shingles on your roof:

1. Conduct a Visual Inspection

Start by visually inspecting your roof from the ground or using a sturdy ladder. Look for any obvious signs of missing shingles, such as gaps or exposed areas on the roof’s surface. Take note of the location and extent of the damage, which will be helpful when discussing the issue with a roofing professional.

2. Check for Loose Shingles

In addition to missing shingles, check for any loose shingles that might be hanging or partially detached from the roof. These shingles are susceptible to further damage and can cause leaks if not secured promptly.

3. Secure the Area Temporarily

If you notice any loose shingles, use roofing cement or adhesive to temporarily secure them back in place. This will prevent them from flying off during storms and causing additional damage to your roof or surrounding property.

4. Look for Missing Shingle Replacements

Check your garage, attic, or storage area for leftover shingles from previous roof installations or repairs. If you have replacement shingles that match your existing roof, you can use them to fill in the missing areas.

5. Contact a Professional Roofer

For a more permanent and effective solution, contacting a professional roofer is best. They have the expertise and tools to assess the damage accurately and provide appropriate repairs. Avoid attempting major repairs yourself, as working on the roof can be dangerous and may cause further damage if not done correctly.

6. Schedule a Roof Inspection

A professional roofer will thoroughly inspect your roof to assess the extent of the damage and identify any underlying issues that might have caused the shingles to go missing. They will provide a detailed report and recommend the best action to restore your roof’s integrity.

7. Consider Roof Replacement

Depending on the age and condition of your roof, the roofer might recommend a partial or complete roof replacement if the damage is extensive. Roof replacement ensures that your entire roof is in optimal condition and can save you from recurring repair expenses.

8. Prioritize Regular Roof Maintenance

To prevent future shingle damage and prolong the lifespan of your roof, make roof maintenance a priority. Regular inspections, cleaning of debris, and addressing minor issues promptly can help you avoid more significant problems in the long run.