Posts made in April 2024

What You Should Do When a Large Tree Falls on Your Roof

It’s an unusual incident, but a tree falling on your roof isn’t entirely unique. Wind damage and storm damage are guilty of dropping tree limbs and even whole trees on top of roofs. When it’s a limb, the damage usually isn’t so bad. An entire tree is rather catastrophic, but it isn’t the end of the world.

Find a Contractor for Emergency Roofing Services

The first thing you need to do is relocate to a safe location. Then you need to find a contractor that offers emergency roofing services. The contractor will have to work quickly to remove the tree, piece by piece, from off of your roof. Then the real damage can be assessed before repairs begin. The contractor will put a tarp over the roof if the tree crushed the roof with enough force to leave large openings. 

Filing an Insurance Claim

This is an “act of God”, something that most insurance companies will cover when you file a claim. File your insurance claim as soon as the tree has been removed so that you can get good pictures of the damaged roof. The insurance company may still send a claims adjuster to your address to see the damage and get an adequate estimate for repairs. It’s the same process even if you only had hail damage.

Replacing the Roof

If the tree was of immense size and crushed the roof, there may be structural damage to the roof and possibly to the walls in your home. After a thorough investigation and determination of the damage to your home, the work begins. The roofer can replace and rebuild the roof, but any structural damage to walls will have to be done before the roof can be replaced. Expect a couple of weeks for really major repairs and roof replacement work to be completed.

When the Wind Blows: Signs of Wind Damage to Your Roof

You’ll not just walk into or see roof damage as you walk around your
home. Our hearts rejoice at the sunlight streaming into our homes through
parted clouds. However, rarely do we think of the effects the storm and wind
might have left on our roofs. The roof may have bang-ups, missing asphalt, or
loose shingles.

Most roof damages are caused by strong winds blowing roofing materials
off your home. This is more common in storm-prone regions, such as tornado and
hurricane zones. Below are several signs of wind damage:

1. Missing or Loose Shingles

Missing or loose shingles are widespread with asphalt shingles after a
windy storm. Avoid walking on your roof to check its condition as it could lead
to serious falls if it’s slippery. Hence, you can inspect your roof using
strong binoculars.

2. Curling Shingles

Hail damage is also more susceptible at the edge of asphalt shingles and
other pressure points. Hence, when inspecting your roof, you should check for
signs of curling shingles before they start peeling off. Shingles on your roof
are responsible for protecting your home from water damage. However, when the
shingles are curled, it is possible to encounter potential leaks. If not
addressed on time, your roof could deteriorate faster than expected.

3. Missing Granules

Asphalt shingles are covered with small pieces of crushed stones known
as granules. These granules offer an additional safeguard for your asphalt
shingles. When your roofs get old, the granules begin shedding, exposing your
roof unprotected from impact. Storm damage can cause these granules to be shed
off prematurely.

Therefore, after a windy storm, you should look for pooled granules in
the gutters. A few pieces here and there shouldn’t worry you. However, noticing
a significant collection of these granules might be a sign of wind damage.

Wind storms can cause serious damage to your roof. Thankfully, most of
these damages are repairable if it is caught early. For better and more
reliable roof inspection, contact Shelby Roofing & Exteriors today. We’ll
also handle Insurance Claims for you with ease.

What You Should Do When a Large Tree Falls on Your Roof

It’s an unusual incident, but a tree falling on your roof isn’t entirely unique. Wind damage and storm damage are guilty of dropping tree limbs and even whole trees on top of roofs. When it’s a limb, the damage usually isn’t so bad. An entire tree is rather catastrophic, but it isn’t the end of the world.

Find a Contractor for Emergency Roofing Services

The first thing you need to do is relocate to a safe location. Then you need to find a contractor that offers emergency roofing services. The contractor will have to work quickly to remove the tree, piece by piece, from off of your roof. Then the real damage can be assessed before repairs begin. The contractor will put a tarp over the roof if the tree crushed the roof with enough force to leave large openings. 

Filing an Insurance Claim

This is an “act of God”, something that most insurance companies will cover when you file a claim. File your insurance claim as soon as the tree has been removed so that you can get good pictures of the damaged roof. The insurance company may still send a claims adjuster to your address to see the damage and get an adequate estimate for repairs. It’s the same process even if you only had hail damage.

Replacing the Roof

If the tree was of immense size and crushed the roof, there may be structural damage to the roof and possibly to the walls in your home. After a thorough investigation and determination of the damage to your home, the work begins. The roofer can replace and rebuild the roof, but any structural damage to walls will have to be done before the roof can be replaced. Expect a couple of weeks for really major repairs and roof replacement work to be completed.

Key Areas on a Roof That Every Homeowner Should Check After a Storm

Storm damage, whether from rain or hail, is a trying time for homeowners. Hail damage is considered the leading cause of property loss in the United States, with the most impacted area being the roof. The cost of roofing replacements ranges between $9,191 and $80,000. This makes the roof the key area to check for damage after a storm. With roofs being designed to protect your house from any harsh weather, they suffer the most. You could be in for a big surprise if you fail to check them after a storm. Below are the critical areas on your roof you should inspect after a storm.


Shingles are the most apparent areas to check after a storm. A hail storm involves hailstones between 1 and 1.75 inches in diameter punching through your roof with very high intensity. Hail damage on shingles takes the form of cracks, missing shingles, or torn shingles. If you observe shingles damaged by weather-related damage, you must document them to file an insurance claim.

Long Valleys

For those with high roofs with peaks, you most likely have long valleys. Rain and hail storms pummel these areas, causing them to loosen and lift. Check the hails for any hail damage and ensure they are still intact and no water leaks underneath them. Confirm whether the flashing is loose, which, if it is, you can include in your insurance claim to cover the costs of replacements or repairs.


From the outside, your roof may appear undamaged. However, there may be unseen leaks that can only be located from the inside. This may require you to go up in the attic after a storm and look for signs of storm damage. Water stains on walls and ceilings to mold on your exterior walls are the signs of invisible leaks.

Flat Areas

Storms, especially hail, love to hit flat areas, resulting in storm damage. As the hail bounces off, it leaves dents the size of an orange or nickel. If you have flat or close-to-flat surfaces on your roof, check them for hail damage. The damage can be repaired as part of a homeowner’s insurance claim.

If you need help spotting roof damage, hiring a professional roofer is wise. At Shelby Roofing & Exteriors, we offer roof repairs and replacements and work with your insurance claim in case of storm damage. Contact us for all your roofing needs in St Louis.