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Don’t Let Flat Roof Puddles Become a Major Headache: Tackle Standing Water Today!

Standing water on a roof is a common problem that occurs when water accumulates and does not drain properly. This can be caused by several factors, such as clogged gutters, poor slope or pitch, or damaged shingles. Standing water on a roof can cause serious damage to the roofing materials, leading to leaks, and can also provide a breeding ground for insects and mold. As such, it is important to address standing water promptly to prevent further damage to the roof and home. Here are several ways to deal with standing water on a flat roof.

1.  A Waterproof Membrane

This is a layer of material applied to the surface of a flat roof to prevent water from penetrating the building. The membrane can be made from various materials, including rubber, PVC, or TPO. It is applied in a continuous sheet to cover the entire roof surface and should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper sealing. This method is very effective as it also provides a barrier to keep water from seeping into the underlying structure, whether it is a residential or commercial roof.

2. A Drain System

A drain system is a network of pipes, gutters, and downspouts that collect and channel rainwater away from a flat roof and into a designated area. The system should be installed with sufficient slope and capacity to handle the amount of water expected during heavy rain events. The installation should also include protection against clogging, such as screens or filters, to ensure that the water flows freely and does not build up on the roof.

3. A Slope

A slope, also known as a “crown” or “pitch,” is a slight incline built into a flat roof to promote the flow of water toward the edges and away from the center. The slope should be gentle enough to avoid standing water but significant enough to allow rainwater to drain effectively. This can be achieved by adding insulation or other materials to raise the level of the roof in the center.

Standing water on a flat roof can cause various problems. When not properly managed, it can seriously threaten the integrity and safety of the building. That’s why it’s essential to take steps to prevent standing water from accumulating on a flat roof. Hiring a roofing contractor with experience in flat roofing can assess the specific needs of your roof and recommend the best course of action. Furthermore, they can ensure that the installation is done correctly and meets local building codes and regulations of St. Louis.